The one who spends extra on his family on the day of ‛Āshūrā’
Question: Is this Hadīth established:
من وسع على عياله يوم عاشوراء وسع الله عليه سائر السنة
Allāh ta‛ālā shall give expansion for the entire year on the one who spends more on his family on the day of ‛Āshūrā’.
Answer: Feeding one’s family good and extra food on the day of ‛Āshūrā’ is established from the Hadīth and the books of jurisprudence.
This Hadīth is related by several Sahābah: (1) Hadrat ‛Abdullāh ibn Mas‛ūd radiyallāhu ‛anhu, (2) Hadrat Abū Sa‛īd al-Khudrī radiyallāhu ‛anhu, (3) Hadrat Jābir radiyallāhu ‛anhu, (4) Hadrat Abū Hurayrah radiyallāhu ‛anhu.
Most of the chains of this Hadīth are weak, but when looked at them collectively, the Hadīth itself becomes hasan li ghayrihi.
The narration of Hadrat ‛Abdullāh ibn Mas‛ūd radiyallāhu ‛anhu is as follows:
(Arabic-p. 414)
The narration of Hadrat Abū Sa‛īd al-Khudrī radiyallāhu ‛anhu is narrated through two chains:
(Arabic-p. 415)
The narration of Hadrat Jābir radiyallāhu ‛anhu is as follows:
(Arabic-p. 415)
The narration of Hadrat Abū Hurayrah radiyallāhu ‛anhu is as follows:
(Arabic-p. 415)
To sum up, ‛Allāmah Ibn Taymīyyah, ‛Allāmah Ibn al-Jauzī, Hāfiz ‛Uqaylī and ‛Allāmah Zarkashī consider this Hadīth to be fabricated, but this is not correct. Imām Suyūtī considers it to be authentic while Imām Bayhaqī, Hāfiz ‛Irāqī, Ibn Nāsir, ‛Allāmah Sakhāwī and others state that it is hasan; and this is the correct view. The jurists also feel that it is worthy of practising upon.
‛Allāmah Shāmī states that spending more on the family is not confined to food, rather it includes food, clothing and so on.
قال: أنه لا يقتصر فيه على التوسعة بنوع واحد، بل يعمها في المآكل والملابس وغير ذلك، وأنه أحق من سائر المواسم بما يعمل فيها من التوسعات الغير المشروعة فيها كالأعياد ونحوها.