Home Fatawaa Al-Ṣalāh What is the status of conveying the Khuṭbah in Arabic according to the four Imams?

What is the status of conveying the Khuṭbah in Arabic according to the four Imams?

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Question: What is the status of conveying the Khuṭbah in Arabic according to the four Imams?



According to Imām Mālik (RA) it is not permissible to deliver the Khuṭbah in any other language besides Arabic under any circumstance. If the Khuṭbah is delivered in any other language besides Arabic, then it would not be permissible to perform Ṣalātul Jumu’ah. Instead Ẓuhr salat should be performed, unless the Khuṭbah is repeated.

(Ḥāshiyah al-Dasūqī on Sharḥul Kabīr pg. 328 vol.1)


According to Imām Shāfiʿī (RA) and Imām Aḥmed (RA) if one is capable of delivering the Khuṭbah in Arabic, then it is not permissible in any other language. This is also the opinion of Imām Abu Yusuf (RA) and Imām Muḥammed (RA).

(Ḥāshiyah al-Sharwānī ala Tuḥfatul Minhāj pg. 45 vol.2)


According to Imām Abu Hanīfah (RA), to convey the Khuṭbah in any other language besides Arabic is Makrūh al-Tahrīmī (close to Ḥarām).


Allamah Sarakhsī (RA) has mentioned in Al-Mabsūṭ that in following our predecessors, at least the basic principles of the Khuṭbah should be conveyed in Arabic. It is also not established that during the time of the Ṣaḥābah (RA) or the Tābi’īn that the Khuṭbah was delivered in any other language besides Arabic.

(Al-Mabsūṭ, Pg235)


And Allāh alone knows best.


Fatawa Darul Ulūm Zakariyyā, Vol. 2, Pg 662


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