"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 17

Darul Uloom Zakariyya

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"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 17
Jamadul Ukhra 1434/ 13 April 2013

Why the decline and fall of non-believers

But how is it that we still see the non-believers also facing decline and destruction?

This is because of their injustices, tyranny and oppression and comes about when immorality and promiscuous behaviour had reached overwhelming heights or because of their mockery of the Holy Prophets of Allah. For these sins there is no relaxation or postponement of punishment. For these sins all-encompassing, general calamities descend upon them.

Thus you will see that all the stories of the previous nations who were destroyed were involved in one or other of these sins. A study of the decline of nations gives a clear indication of this, viz, that whenever and wherever any nation was unjust and oppressive the residents of the heavens were excited towards helping the oppressed and the unjustly treated ones.

Hence Allah is reported to say (in Hadeeth-e-Qudsi): “I hear the cursing pleas of any unjustly oppressed victim even if he be an infidel.”

And so one should understand that when any ruler, minister of state, governor, official or leader or anyone who is in authority, oppresses or treats unjustly any of his subordinates or subjects, then instead of oppressing them, he is in fact doing great injustice to himself and his ruling class.

He is in fact working for the fall and destruction of his own people with his own hands, whether the injustice being done is against a community or against an individual. Injustice and tyranny are never without effect and result. And when Allah‟s vengeance comes into effect they wail and weep, but wailing and weeping will not avail them.

At this stage -much as I would have liked to go into detail, there is no space for further detail. There is in actual fact no need for detail because the decline and fall of all the great empires in history bears out what I say.

The gist of what I try to explain is that Allah -The Musabe bul Asbaab (the Causer of causes) had created separate causes for the worldly progress of the Muslims and non-Muslims. It is wrong to maintain that the very thing which is a cause for progress for non-Muslims is also cause for the progress of Muslims. It is also wrong to believe that those things which are not an impediment or hindrance to their progress will also not hinder the progress of Muslims.

To have such views shows ignorance of our Deen and lack of knowledge of the words of Allah and His Rasul (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

Al-Etidaal Fe Maraatibur-Rijaal” by Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalwi R.A, Page 100 -101 Published by Darul Uloom Zakariyya.) To be continued Insha-Allah.

Guest Speaker

Sheikh Hasan Azhari, chief executive officer of Muslim Aid Australia addressed the students yesterday prior to the Jummah Khutbah. To listen to the recording, please click here


There are many people who keep their clothing spotless yet they soil their Imaan. (Abu Ubaydah R.A)

Three things are most dear to Allah: generosity despite poverty,piety in seclusion and utterance of truth at the time of fear. ( Imaam Shafi'ee R.A)

Moulana Sulaiman Moola Sahib

طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم
It is incumbent upon every Muslim to seek Knowledge
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