"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article - Issue. 08

Darul Uloom Zakariyya

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"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 08
19 Zul Qa'dah 1433/05 October 2012

Another thing: It has been reported in numerous authentic Ahaadeeth that the houses wherein there are dogs and pictures are not visited by the Angels of mercy.

Abu Wa-il (Radiallahu anhu) says: “Once I was accompanied by Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) on a journey into battle somewhere in Syria. While we stopped to rest at a certain place, the ruler of the locality, very eager to meet the ameer, came forward and as he arrived, he fell into prostration before Sayyidina Umar,  Sayyidina Umar inquired:”Why are you prostrating before me?” He replied: “This has been our practice with regard to our own kings.” Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) replied: “Perform sujood only in front of the Being who has created you.”

Then the ruler said: “I have prepared a meal for you. Will you kindly proceed with me to our house?”  Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) inquired:  “Please tell me. Are there any pictures (of animate beings) in your house?” The ruler replied: “Yes there are.” Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) said: “We shall not enter into such a house. You may send some food to me here.” The ruler then had some food sent to Sayyidina Umar and he ate it.

Look at the houses of today‟s men of culture and learning. Is it at all possible for them to adorn their houses without pictures? Does any “narrow-minded” Molvi have the cheek and the guts to object? Now you tell me. We have closed the doors of mercy upon ourselves and have adopted all those actions which are the sure causes of Allah‟s wrath. Is it any wonder that our troubles and problems should not increase and worsen?

Our pious ancestors and elders would not even enter such homes of the non-believers wherein there were pictures. Today we find that we, who came after them, even though claiming to be Muslims have adopted those very unlawful things with which we seek to adorn and beautify our houses. Consider every teaching of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). See our response thereto and the response of the world around us. You will continue to be increasingly astonished at our disregard of the teachings of Islam!

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “When the sun rises two angels stand near the rising sun and call out: '0 People turn to your Lord. The little you possess and which is sufficient for your needs is better for you than the greater wealth which may engage you in vain things.‟ And when the sun sets two Angels stand near the setting sun and pray: '0 Allah give a goodly reward to him who spends in the path of righteousness, And destroy the wealth of him who withholds himself from spending righteously.‟ (Targheeb)

Think about those people who through being exceptionally stingy and miserly and who through numerous obstacles and troubles collect and gather hard-earned wealth, and then refuse to spend in Allah‟s path any portion thereof. See how they bring endless worries and anguish upon themselves in their striving to gain more and more; and yet they themselves cause the destruction of all they possess.

Sometimes they take ill (with some disease) with the result that hundreds of rupees are spent on doctors and specialists for treatment and medicine. And then it may also happen that a case is brought against them in court (as a result of true or false charges). The result will then be that through this ensuing legal battle so much will be spent that the person may land up ruined financially. Then if through the blessings of some righteous deeds a person be preserved against such ruin another calamity may overtake him.

It often happens that which the parents had earned through hard toiling and sweat over long years of struggling can be destroyed by his children being so carefree and loose-living that within months everything is wasted on luxuries and immoral sensual pleasures. This is definitely not a fabricated example of what is improbable. These are true facts of what happens quite often. We see how the fathers had gone through many trials and tribulations and spent much sweat in acquiring some wealth. After their death the children had wasted all that in a few weeks or months. In this way the heirs wasted all in a short space of time.

In the Hadeeth we are told:

“Man speaks about: 'My wealth, my wealth',‟ whereas in actual fact all that is really his is that which he had eaten or the clothes he had worn and that which by spending in the path of Allah he had gathered for himself (as a treasure). Everything else belongs to others.” (Targheeb)

Sayyidina Ali (Radiallahu anhu) said: “Whatever wealth you gather which is in excess of your needs, belongs to others for whom you are merely the treasurer.‟ (Kitab-al-Mukhallaat)

This is also substantiated by many Ahaadeeth, all pointing out that all that one possesses beyond one's needs are the possessions of others to be spent on them.

Allah Ta‟aala‟s Word states:
“They ask you, 0 Muhammad, regarding what they should spend.Say: That which is superfluous.” (2.219)

In this verse the word “Al-Afwa” i.e. “superfluous” is used. Ibn Abbas (Radiallahu anhu) says it means that which is left over after having seen to thebasic needs of one‟s family.

Now there is another point which you should consider before proceeding. Today great emphasis is laid upon the eradication of poverty and the affording of help for the indigent and the poor. Do you find any other teachings better than the teachings of Islam in this respect? On the one hand, we have a doctrine in the world according to which a man shall not receive more than he requires. On the other hand is the doctrine that man be persuaded not to keep more than is necessary but should rather willingly and voluntarily spend the rest on the needy ones. What a big difference between the two. The first doctrine boils down to sheer oppression whereas the second one -the Islamic doctrine -is sheer goodness.

The first doctrine seeks to destroy ambition and to curb the progressive and active ones (because hard work is not adequately rewarded). The second doctrine on the other hand encourages ambition. It encourages man to earn more and to spend such earned wealth willingly. Beyond that in encouraging charity it not only persuades one to look at one‟s own needs but even encourages the reduction of one's own needs in order to have more to spend on the needy.

Such is also the teaching of Islam. Therefore in praising the Ansaar (the helpers of Madina) the Quran says:
“They (the Muhajireen) give preferance over themselves even though, there is hunger tormenting them.” (59 V 9)

(“Al-Etidaal Fe Maraatibur-Rijaal” by Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalwi R.A, Page 78-81 - Published by Darul Uloom Zakariyya.) To be continued Insha-Allah.

A one year Pakistan Paddle Jamaat visited the Darul Uloom last week. One of the Senior Ulama in the Jamaat addressed the students with valuable advices.

To listen to the recording, please click here

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