Online Newsletter VOL.02. NO.8 24 Ramadhan 1435 / 21 July 2014


24 Ramadhan 1435 / 21 July 2014

Some very sound advice for Imams and those who lead the Taraweeh salaah.

- عشر نصائح لإخواننا أئمة المساجد وقُرّاء القرآن في رمضان:

1- الإخلاص يزيدك قوةً في بدنك وإرضاءً لربّك وجمالاً في صوتك وتأثيراً في مستمعيك ، فلا تُحطّمه بالرياء

.‏2- اجعلْ إبراز آيات القرآن ومعانيه أهم من إبراز قدراتك الصوتية ، فكم من قارئ ضعُفَ تأثير قراءته لاستعراض قدراته لأنّه أخّرَ ما حقّه التقديم.

‏3- لا تتكلّف البكاء أو تتصنّعه لتُبكي المصلين ! فآيات القرآن العظيم أقوى من هذا البكاء المتصنّع ! المهم أنْ تتأثّر أنتَ أولاً ..

‏4- اعرفْ طبقة صوتك ، لكي لا تُغامر برفع الصوت أو خفْضِه أثناء القراءة ،وهذا يتطلب منك تدريب وتجارب خاصة مع نفسك أو مع خبير لتعرف مساحة صوتك.

‏5- لن تتخيّل أثر الإيمان والروحانية والخشية في نبرات صوتك القرآني ، فكنْ في خلواتك مع الله تعالى خيراً منك في جلوات مع الناس ..

‏6- قبل خروجك لتصلّي بالناس بادر بصلاة ركعتين تتضرّع فيهما لربك أن يتقبّل منك صلاتَك وتلاوتَك ودعاءَك وألاّ يجعلَ للنّفس والشيطان نصيباً فيها.

‏7- لا تغترّ بكثرة المادحين أو كثرة المصلّين ، ولاتبالِ ببعض المنتقدين لتلاوتك ، فالمُخلص في عمله يتساوى عنده المدح والذم .

‏8- قارئ القرآن أولى الناس بالعناية برياضة البدن، وخصوصاً إذا أدرك أن الصوت يحتاج إلى رئة ممتلئه بالهواء ،وهذا لا يتأتّى إلا بالرياضة اليومية.

‏9- أعظم ما يُثبّت محفوظك من القرآن هو أن تُصلّي به ، فليكنْ لصلاتك في بيتك نصيباً كبيراً مما تحفظُه ، فهو قُربة وأجر وتدبّر ومراجعة لحفظك .

‏10-أخيرأ أوصيك باثنتين - الرحمة والتواضع بعد أن أكرمك الله تعالى بالقرآن ، فلا يستقيم كِبْر وغرور مع أهل القرآن .

Ten pieces of advice for the Imaams and reciters of Quraan during the month of Ramadan.

1. Sincerity increases you in bodily strength and is more pleasing to your Rabb. It increases the beauty of your voice and intensifies the spiritual effect upon those listening to your recitation. So do not trash/destroy all this by showing off/ostentation.

2. Make the focus on the words and meanings of the Quraan more important than highlighting your vocal prowess. How many a reciter's recitation is weakened by showing off his vocal mastery. This is because he has sidelined that which ought to have been given precedence.

3. Do not force yourself to cry nor pretend to cry in order to make the musallees cry, for verily the effect of the Quraan is much greater than this pretentious crying. What is important is that you (the reciter) should be moved and affected first (and then the listeners) by your recitation.

4. Know the pitch-capacity of your voice so that you do not find yourself at an uncontrollably high or low pitch during your recitation. This requires from you practice and experience on an individual capacity, or with an experienced person who will guide you so that you realise your vocal ability.

5. You cannot fathom the effect that imaan, roohaaniyyat (spirituality) and khashiyat (awe and fear of Allah) have on the melody/tone (and thus the beauty) of your recitation. So be with Allah in privacy and seclusion better than you are with him amongst people.

6. Before you leave to lead the people in salaah, begin by performing 2 rakaats (nafl), beseeching your Rabb to accept your leading the salaah, your recitation and your duaa and not to leave any portion of the above for the Nafs and Shaytaan (to claim).

7. Do not take pride in the large number of followers or those showering praise upon you, nor be bothered by a few critics of your recitation.... for the sincere one is he whom praise and criticism are of an equal level.

8. The reciters of the Quraan are very particular about physical exercise, especially considering that for the voice (to function well) there is a need for the lungs to be filled with air. And this cannot be achieved except by exercising daily.

9. The best way to consolidate/strengthen that which you have memorised is to recite it in salaah. Therefore, a great deal of what you have learnt should be recited in salaah in your home, for it is a means of drawing proximity to Allah, it brings great reward, it is an opportunity to ponder (over the verses of Quran) and it is a means of revising what you have learnt.

10. Lastly I advise you to adopt two qualities; 1) Mercy and 2) Humility, for it is Allah who has honoured you with the Quraan (ie. it is not your great achievement). Verily pride and arrogance do not behove a qaari of the Quraan.

I’tikaaf 1435

Insha-Allah, I’tikaaf will be taking place during the last 10 days of Ramadhaan at the Darul Uloom Zakariyya Masjid.

All programs will take place under the supervision of Hadhrat Moulana Shabbier Ahmed Saloojee Sahib DB.

For arrangements please contact: Ml Zaheer Wadee on: 011 859 1080 / 072 370 6786 or Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

ANC statement on the situation in Gaza

Press Release | 10 July 2014 | 12 Ramadaan 1435

The African National Congress (ANC), condemns in the strongest terms, the barbaric attacks on the defenceless Palestinian people of Gaza. Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza strip have resulted in the deaths of over 27 Palestinians, at least 6 of them children. The Israeli attacks have further resulted in injuring over 200 Palestinians and traumatising thousands of others.

As we move towards the month of August and are reminded of the atrocities of Nazi Germany, surely we must ask the people of Israel has the term “lest we forget” lost its meaning.

The state of Israel has turned the occupied territories of Palestine into permanent death camps. Of course the killing of any child irrespective of race colour or creed must be condemned and the death of two Israeli young people is surely as senseless as any other death. But for the State of Israel, the notion of an eye for an eye has become perpetual massacre with merciless revenge which has lasted for more than 60 years. It is time to stop the killing now.

The recent attacks must cease as well as the ongoing and illegal Israeli occupation and collective Israeli punishment of the Palestinians. Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison with over 1,5 million Palestinians caged in and cut off from the rest of the world. The Gaza Strip is the world’s most densely populated piece of land on this earth making the Israeli bombing of the Palestinian Gaza Strip all the more horrendous. The collective punishment and illegal siege of the Palestinian people of Gaza must immediately end.

In line with our 2012 policy resolutions, that called on “all South Africans to support the programmes and campaigns of the Palestinian civil society which seek to put pressure on Israel”, branches and structures of the ANC across the country will be joining the Palestine solidarity and boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in organizing protests and pickets calling for the immediate end of Israeli violence against the Palestinian people. We call on all South Africans, Black, White, Jewish, Muslim, Christian and all others to join us in expressing our solidarity. Solidarity will bring us together as different South Africans just as how the international anti-apartheid movement brought people together.

The Israeli regime must realise that its acts of violence like these attacks on Gaza will only lead to its international isolation. After its 2009 attacks on Gaza which resulted in over 1400 Palestinians being killed, more than 400 of them children, the BDS and international isolation of Israel increased exponentially. Apartheid South Africa’s wanton killing of our people during the 1980s lead to its isolation, it would seem that Israel is taking a similar path of isolation by embarking on these attacks.

The ANC reiterates its 2012 policy position that as an organisation we are unequivocal in our support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for self-determination, and unapologetic in our view that the Palestinians are the victims and the oppressed in the conflict with Israel.

Issued by:

Jessie Duarte

Deputy Secretary General
African National Congress

طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم
"It is incumbent upon every Muslim to seek Knowledge"

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