Astounding Manifestations From the Pride of the Universe Mohammed Peace be upon him by Moulana Muhammed Badat


Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him is the exemplary individual who was selected by Allah for the guidance of man, he faced the rejection of His people when He started to pronounce the divine message just like every other prophet who was given the responsibility of prophet hood. As it is a way of Allah, every prophet showed miracles in order to prove the authenticity of their mission and to establish the proof of their prophet hood.

Miracles are actions that amaze its onlookers. That is, showing of an act which cannot be done by those who see it. Though this action is seen as an action of the prophet, it is actually an event which is created by Allah through the hands of the prophet; the actual doer is Allah.

In other words a miracle can be defined as an abnormal act or an event that is contrary to the laws of nature and can only come into existence through the direct intervention of Allah Himself. The Arabic word for miracle is mu’jizah. It is derived from the word ajz, which means something that incapacitates, cripples, distinctive. Miracles are performed with the permission of Allah, by the Prophets of Allah.

So, the miracles of the prophets are performances which are beyond the capacity of common persons shown by prophets and created by Allah that strengthen the belief of believers and cause unbelievers to have belief.

Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him was also granted miracles throughout his life for people to see and learn from, by Allah's permission. Many of these are well-known such as the many forewarnings that came true, foods and drinks that got fertile with his touch, sick people that were healed, the splitting of the moon with an indication of his finger, the miracle of Mi’raj (ascension), his miracles on animals and trees and Prophet Mohammad’sleading and eternal miracle the Qur’an.

Others are less well-known such as the glorification of Allah by the Prophet’smeals, the talking of the wolf, the house that joined in the du’aa of the Prophetby saying A’min, a handful of small stones begin to praise Allah in his blessed palm etc.

A few of these miracles displayed by the Prophet are outlined in the Qur’an and a great majority of them are recorded within the works compiled on Hadith and Seerah.

In this write up, we will re-count the factual miracles of the Prophet Mohammadwhich are less well known. In this write up, we have relied mainly on the work titled: Kitab Ash Shifa Bi Ta'rif Huquq Al-Mustafa ,  (Healing By Way Of Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One), by Qadi 'Iyad. This is perhaps the most frequently used and commented upon reference in which Mohammad’s life, his qualities and his miracles are described in every detail. Commonly recognized by its short title, Ash-Shifa, this work is highly well-regarded by earlier & contemporary scholars all over the Muslim world. We recommend those who want to have further insight on the subject matter to refer to this outstanding work.

Consequently having presented the basic information on the meaning of miracles, now we begin to re-count the miracles of Prophet Mohammed.

Read the complete book here

Astounding Manifestations
From the Pride of the Universe
مظاهر مذهلة
من فخر الكون
محمد صلي اله عليه وسلم
Prophet Mohammedis the exemplary individual who was selected by Allah for the guidance of man, he faced the rejection of His people when He started to pronounce the divine message just like every other prophet who was given the responsibility of prophet hood. As it is a way of Allah, every prophet showed miracles in order to prove the authenticity of their mission and to establish the proof of their prophet hood.
Miracles are actions that amaze its onlookers. That is, showing of an act which cannot be done by those who see it. Though this action is seen as an action of the prophet, it is actually an event which is created by Allah through the hands of the prophet; the actual doer is Allah.
In other words a miracle can be defined as an abnormal act or an event that is contrary to the laws of nature and can only come into existence through the direct intervention of Allah Himself. The Arabic word for miracle is mu’jizah. It is derived from the word ajz, which means something that incapacitates, cripples, distinctive. Miracles are performed with the permission of Allah, by the Prophets of Allah.
So, the miracles of the prophets are performances which are beyond the capacity of common persons shown by prophets and created by Allah that strengthen the belief of believers and cause unbelievers to have belief.
Prophet Mohammadwas also granted miracles throughout his life for people to see and learn from, by Allah's permission. Many of these are well-known such as the many forewarnings that came true, foods and drinks that got fertile with his touch, sick people that were healed, the splitting of the moon with an indication of his finger, the miracle of Mi’raj (ascension), his miracles on animals and trees and Prophet Mohammad’sleading and eternal miracle the Qur’an.
Others are less well-known such as the glorification of Allah by the Prophet’smeals, the talking of the wolf, the house that joined in the du’aa of the Prophetby saying A’min, a handful of small stones begin to praise Allah in his blessed palm etc.
A few of these miracles displayed by the Prophet are outlined in the Qur’an and a great majority of them are recorded within the works compiled on Hadith and Seerah.
In this write up, we will re-count the factual miracles of the Prophet Mohammadwhich are less well known. In this write up, we have relied mainly on the work titled: Kitab Ash Shifa Bi Ta'rif Huquq Al-Mustafa , كتاب الشفاء بتعريف حقوق المصطفى (Healing By Way Of Recognition of the Rights of the Chosen One), by Qadi 'Iyad. This is perhaps the most frequently used and commented upon reference in which Mohammad’s life, his qualities and his miracles are described in every detail. Commonly recognized by its short title, Ash-Shifa, this work is highly well-regarded by earlier & contemporary scholars all over the Muslim world. We recommend those who want to have further insight on the subject matter to refer to this outstanding work.
Consequently having presented the basic information on the meaning of miracles, now we begin to re-count the miracles of Prophet Mohammed.
Miracles relating to trees
Some of the miracles of our Prophet are about trees. There are many occurrences concerning trees leaving their places and coming to him and obeying the orders of the Prophet Mohammad
these miracles are conveyed to us through chains of prominent Sahabah in which there is no room for doubt. The recognized among the Companions who related these miracles are Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Ibn Abbas, Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud, Abdullah Ibn Umar, Ya’la Ibn Murra, Jabir, Anas Ibn Malik, Burayda, Usama Ibn Zayd, and Ghaylan Ibn Salama and many more.
Miracle # 1 - The Tree That Submitted to the Directive of Prophet Mohammed
وَمِنْ ذَ لِ ك حدِيث أَ ن سٍ رضِ ي اَ ه للَّ عنْهُ أَ ه ن جَِبِْي ل عل يْهِ اَل ه س لَمُ قَ ا ل لَِلنه يِ ب صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سلهَ مَ  و ر حيِين ا أَ حُِ أ أُ َنْ أَُرِي ك يَُ قَ ا ل نَ ممَ ْ نَ ن ر رسُولُ اَ ه للََّ
صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  إَِ لَ مٍَن و را اَِلْ وا نَ ا ل اَ لَُِِْْ ك اَل ه نَ اَ يَِّ ح هَّ قَ ا م يَْ ديْهِ قَ ا ل مَُ ا نَ لْ جِ نَْ ما إَِْ ل م ا ا و عنْ علِ ي ي نَْو ذا و لَْ يَ ذْكُ نَِي ها جَِبِْي ل قَ ا ل اَللههُ ه مَ  أَ رِني يَُ لَ أَُ بَلِ مَن ك ه ذ نِ مْ د ا نَ دع ا مَِثْ ل هُ وذ ك وَحينه صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  لَِ ذَِْيُِ َ
ق وْمِهِ وَط ل ب هُ اَلآي لَمَُ ْ لَ لَ هُ وذ ك اَ نَ إَِسْ حاق أَ ه ن اَلنه يِ ب صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  أَ رى ر كَان مَِثْ ل ذِ اَلآي عا ا نَ ح هَّ وق يَْ ديْهِ مَُهَ
ق ا ل اَرْجمِي نَ ج مَْ
و عنِ اَلْ سنِ أَنههُ صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عَليه وَسلمَ  ىَ إَِ ل ريَه مَن قَ وْمِهِ وأ نه هُمَ ْ يَُ يونُون هُ و س ل هُ يَُ يَ مْل مَ ُ ا أَ نَْ لَ مَ ان عل يْهِ نَ وَُحِ ي إَليْهِ أَ نِ اَئْ وا ك ذَا نَِيهَِ
نٌٍَ ا غَُُِْصْن ا مَنها يَْ ك نَ م ل نَ اَ يُُ أ ط اَلْ رْض خطًّا ح هَّ اَنْ ص يَْ ديْهِ نَ حب سهَُ
ما ا اَ ه للَّ مَُه قَ ا ل لَ هُ اَرْجِ ك ما جَِئْ نَْ جَ نَ ا ل يَ ر ي ب علِمْ أَُْ نْ لَ مَ ان عل ه ي *َ و نَْوٌ مَِنْهُ عنْ عَُ م وق ا ل نَِيهِ أَ رنِي يَُ لَ أَُ بَلِ مَن ك ذ نِ مَْ د اَ
وذ ك نَْ و When the Noble Messenger saw saddened at the denial of the unbelievers, he said: “O my Sustainer! Give me a sign that I will no longer see anyone who denies me! “According to Anas Jibreel was also present there before the occurrence of this miracle. There was a tree at the side of the valley, upon the instruction of Jibreel the messenger of Allah callad that tree. The tree came near him. He then told the tree to “go back”; it returned and settled itself in its place.
Miracle #2 - The Tree That Submitted to the Directive of the Prophet Mohammed
ح ه دث ن ا أَ حْْ دُ نَُْ مَُ همدِ نَِْ غَ لْبُو ن اَل هيَّْخُ اَل ه صالِحُ نَِي ما أَجازينه عنْ أَ بِ عمْ و اَلطهل منْ يَِ يِ عنْ أَ بِ نَِْ اَمُ هنْدِ عنْ أَ بِ اَلْ اسِمَِ  اَلْب و يِ ح ه دث ن ا أَ حْْ دُ نَ
عم ان اَلْخلمى ح ه دث ن ا أَ وَُ حيها ن اَلهَ يْمِ أ ي و كا ن صدُوق ا عنْ مَُ ا دٍَِ عنِ اَ نَِْ عَُ م قَ ا لكَُنها م رسُولِ اَلله صَلى اَلله عَليه وَسلمَ  س نَ د نَ مَِنْهُ أَ عْ ا يِ بََِ
ن ا ل يَ أَ عْ ا أِ بِ أَ يْ ن يدُ قَ ا ل إَِ ل أَ لَِْي قَ ا ل لْ لَ ك إَِ ل خيٍْ قَ ا ل و ما و قَ ا ل هدُ أَ نَْ لَ إَِل ه إَِهلَ اَ ه للَُّ وحْ دَ لَ ي ك لَ هُ وأ ه ن مَُ هم دا عَ بْدُ و رسُوَلُهُ قَ ا لَ
منْ يَ هدُ لَ ك عل ى ما وَُلُ قَ ا ل ذِ اَل ه اٍَُل ه سمُ و ي اَّطِئِ اَلْ وا نَ قْ ب ل تَُ أ د اَلْ رْ ض ح هََّ قَ ا م يَْ ديْهِ نَ اسْ ه د ا ثَ لَ ثً نَ هَِّ د أَْنههَُ
ك ما قَ ا ل مَُه ر ج م إَِْ ل م ا ا
و عنْ يْ د س ل أَ عْ ا يِ بِ اَلنه يِ ب صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  يَُ نَ ا ل لَ هُ قَُلْ لَِ لَِْك اَل ه رسُول اَ ه للََّ صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عَليه وَسلمَ  يَدعوا قَال نَمال اَْل ه عَنَْ
يَِينِهِا وشِ الَِ ا و يَْ ديْ ها و خلْ ها نَ طه م عَُْ وقُ ها مَُه جا تَُ أ د اَلْ رْض تَُأ عَُ وق ها مَُ بََْ ه ح هَّ وق يَْ د رسُول اَلله صَلى اَلله عل يَْهِ و سله مَ َ
ن ال اَِْل ه س لَمُ عل يْ ك يَ رسُول اَ ه للَّ قَ ا ل اَلْ عْ ا أِ بِ مَُ ا نَ لْ جِ إَِْ ل منْ ب ها نَ ج م نَْ دله عَُْ وق ها نَ اسْ و نَْ ا ل اَلْ عْ ا أِ بِ اَئْ ذنْ لَِ أَ سْ دَُْ لَ ك قَ ا ل لَ وَْ
أ م أَُْ ح دا أَ نْ يَ سْ د لَِْ حدٍ لْ م اَُْلْ م أ أَ نْ سْ د لَِ يوْجَِ ها قَ ا ل نَ ذَن لَِ أَ نْ أَُق بي ل يَ ديْ ك ورِجْل يْ ك نَ ذَِ ن لَ هُ
Abdullah Ibn Umarnarrates: “On one expedition, a Bedouin approached the Noble Messenger. Allah’s Messengerasked him:”Where are you going?”The Bedouin replied:”To my family.”Allah’s Messenger cakwa him again:”Do you not want something better than that?”The Bedouin asked:”What is that?” The Messenger said:”That you bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He is One, He has no partner, and that Mohammad is His servant and Messenger.” The Bedouin asked: “Who is going to act as a witness to this testimony?” Allah’s Messenger said:”The tree beside the valley shall bear witness.”
Abdullah Ibn Umar said: “Shaking, the tree split the earth and came to Allah’s Messenger He asked the tree three times to bear witness; each time it attested to his truthfulness. When he ordered, it went back and settled in its place.”
Burayda reports: “When we were with the Noble Messenger on an expedition, a Bedouin came and asked for a sign, i.e. a miracle. The Messenger said: “Tell that tree that Allah’s Messenger summons it!” Then he pointed to a tree; it swayed right and left, brought itself out of the ground with its roots, and came to the presence of the Messenger saying: “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah.” “The Bedouin said: “Now let it return to its place again!” He commanded, and it went back and settled in its place.
Then the Bedouin said: “Allow me to prostrate before you.” The Messenger replied: “If I were to command anyone to prostrate to someone I would have command the wife to prostrate to her husband.” The Bedouin replied: “Then allow me to kiss your hands and feet,’ and he permitted him.”
Miracle #3 - The Tree That Submitted to the Directive of the Prophet Mohammed
و اَِل ه صحِيحِ حدِيثِ جا نَ عبدِ اَ ه للَّ اَلطهوِيلِ ذَ رسُولُ اَ ه للَّ صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  يَ ضَِْي حا ج هُ نَ ل مَ ْ يَ يْ ئ ا يَ سْ هَُِِ نَ ذِِ ا اَّطِئَِ
الْ وا نَ انْط ل ق رسُولُ اَ ه للَّ صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  إَِ ل إَِحْ داهُ ا نَ خ ذ صََُِْنٍ مَن أَ غْ صا ا نَ ا ل اَنْ ا عل ه ي ذَِْنِ اَ ه للَّ نَ انْ ا م مهُ كالْب مِيِْ اَلْ م وََُِِّْ َ
الهذِ يَُ صانِ قَُْ ائِ دَ وذ ك أَنههُ نَ م ل بََِلُْخْ ى مَِثْل ذَ لِ ك ح هَّ إَذ ا كا ن بََِلْ منْصِفِ يْ ن هُ ما قَ ا ل اَلْ ئِ مَا عل ه ي ذَِْنِ اَ ه للَّ نَ الْ م ا
و رَِِ وَاي أَُخْ ى نَ ا ل يَ جا قَُلْ لََِ ذِ اَل ه يٍَِ وَُلُ لَ ك رسُولُ اَله صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  اَلَْْ يَِ صاحِب كَِ ح هَّ أَ جْلِ س خلْ ما نَ ي ح ح هَّ لِْ صاحِب ها نَ لَ س خَل هَا نَ جْ أَُْ حضِ و جل سْ أَُُْ ح ي دثُ نَ سَِْي نَ الْ أَ نَْ ذِ ا رسُولُ اَ ه للَّ صلهى اَ ه للََُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  مَُ بَِْ لَ وَال ه نِ قَ دِ اَنْ ق ا نَ ا مََْ
كُ أ ل واحِ د مٍَِنْ هُ ما عل ى ساقٍ نَ وق ف رسُولُ اَ ه للَّ صلهى اَ ه للَُّ عل يْهِ و سله مَ  وقْ نَ ا ل أْسِهِ ذا يََِين ا وشِ ا لََ