Is it permissible to perform Qadha of the Taraweeh Salaah the next day in congregation?


Question: One night during the month of Ramadan, two rakaats were rendered null and void. The following night the whole congregation performed 22 rakaats to cover up for the previous night. Was this course of action correct? Will the Quran that was recited be included in the khatam (completion) of the Quran or not?

Answer: It is makrooh for the congregation to resort to such drastic measures. The recitation in the last two rakaats will not be included in the completion of the Quran.

This ruling has been extracted from the following authentic sources:

(1) Fataawa Mahmoodiyaah

(2) Kifaayatul Mufti

(3) Fataawa Rahimiyah

(4) Dur ul Mukhtar

And Allah knows best.

Fatāwā Dārul Ulūm Zakariyyā, Vol. 2, Pg. 499