"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 22

Darul Uloom Zakariyya

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"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 22
14 Rajab 1434/ 25 May 2013

Imitating the non-believers

Hence for a Muslim to desire and hope for prosperity and progress in spite of his sins, means being far removed from prosperity and success. Furthermore, for a Muslim to envy the non-believers and to try and imitate and emulate them, not only shows extreme lack of self-respect and shamelessness but is also a clear sign of surrender to failure.

There used to be a custom of the Persian and Byzantium Empires that whenever an army was victorious in battle they used to cut off the head of the commander of the defeated army. Then as an exhibition of their pride and joy this was sent to their own kings as a trophy.

During the Khilaafat of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (Radiallahu anhu) the Muslims met the Romans (of the Byzantium Empire) in battle. The Muslims defeated them and reckoning that such was the custom of the enemy, decided to do the same to them. Hence they cut off the head of the commander and sent it with Sayyidina Uqbah bin Aamir (Radiallahu anhu) to Sayyidina Abu Bakr (Radiallahu anhu) in Medina. When the messenger came to him with the severed head, Sayyidina Abu Bakr (Radiallahu anhu) showed intense displeasure.

Seeing this Sayyidina Uqbah (Radiallahu anhu) exclaimed: “0 Successor of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) (why this displeasure?) These people will do the same thing to us.” Sayyidina Abu Bakr (Radiallahu anhu) replied: “What? Will the practices and actions of the people of Persia and Byzantium be followed? Never should the head of anyone be brought before me. For us the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is sufficient to be followed.” (Shara—ul—Siyar vol.1)

Some jurists have given permission for this severing of heads on the authority of certain texts. Sayyidina Abu Bakr (Radiallahu anhu) did not agree with those Sahabah. Thus he prohibited it and this is the reason for admonishing Sayyidina Uqbah (Radiallahu anhu) for seeking authority in the actions of Rome and Byzantium.

While Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) was en route to Syria he came across a piece of land which was quite muddy. He dismounted his camel, took off his socks, put them on his shoulder and splashed through the mud. He took hold of the camel‟s nose-strip and led it.

Sayyidina Abu Ubaydah (Radiallahu anhu) said to him: “You have now done something which is quite despicable in the eyes of the people of Syria. I would not like the people of the town to see you like this.”

On hearing this Hazrat Umar (Radiallahu anhu) struck his hand against his breast and exclaimed: “Abu Ubaydah, if anyone other than you had said this, I would have given him some severe exemplary punishment. We were a despicable people, dishonoured, and Allah granted us honour through Islam. If we are going to seek honour through anything other than Islam, Allah will cause us to be disgraced.” (Haakim)

Yes indeed! For a Muslim the true honour is that which is considered as honour in the sight of Allah, even if that is considered to be dishonourable in the eyes of the world.

Urdu Couplet:

“Let them describe me as despised, lacking in prestige, lacking in dignity but let no one look upon me as not worthy and equal rank.”

Al-Etidaal Fe Maraatibur-Rijaal” by Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalwi R.A, Page 111-112, Published by Darul Uloom Zakariyya.) To be continued Insha-Allah.

"A woman came to Nabi A.S fully dressed in Niqaab enquiring regarding her son who was martyred in the path of Allah Ta'ala. A Sahaabi R.A asked her: 'are you asking about your son in a state that you fully covered in Niqaab?' She answered ' I might have lost my son,but that doesn't mean I should lose my modesty!" (She remembers the order of Allah Ta'ala at such a critical and touching moment.) (Abu Dawood Shareef Pg. 344)

Hazrat Maulana Uthmaan Mewati Saheb DB

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