"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 20

Darul Uloom Zakariyya

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"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 20
29 Jamaadul Ukhra 1434/11 May 2013

Once someone inquired from Sayyidina Abdullah bin Abbas (Radiallahu anhu) what was the meaning of the verse from Surah Hood:

“Those who desire the life of the present and its glitter -to them We shall pay (the price of) their deeds therein -without diminution. They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but the fire: vain are the designs they frame therein, and of no effect are the deeds that they do.” (11.15,16)

He replied: “The reward of their good deeds is given to them in the form of  health in body, in their offspring, children and grandchildren, and in their enjoyment in riches.”

The theme of this verse is strongly linked in meaning with the verse from Surah Bani-Israel:

“If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life), We readily grant them -such things as We will to such persons as We will.” (17.18)

And Allah grants to whomsoever He wishes, without compulsion from anyone. Sayyidina Sa‟eed bin Jubair (Radiallahu anhu) also gave the same meaning to the above verse from Surah Hood, Hazrat Qatada (Radiallahu anhu) is of the same opinion. viz., that they will receive the reward for their good deeds in this world, so much so that by the time they are in the Hereafter, no righteous deed is left unrewarded. As for the believer, he shall receive his reward in this world (and because of having Imaan) as well as in the Hereafter.

Mujahid is another one who says that non-believers receive their rewards for good deeds in this world.

Maymoon bin Mehraan says: “Whosoever wishes to see his standing with Allah should cast a look at his deeds, because he will be treated according to his deeds. Everyone -believer or non-believer will surely be rewarded. However a believer will be rewarded here as well as in the Hereafter, whereas the non-believer will be rewarded only in this world.” (Durr Manthoor)

It is reported that Muhammed bin Kaab discussed the verse:

"And whosoever does an atom 's weight of good will surely see it. And whosoever does an atom 's weight of evil will surely see it.” (99.7,8)

He said: “If a non-believer does any atom‟s weight of good, he definitely receives his reward in this world during his lifetime, in the form of health, wealth, offspring -to such an extent that when he passes from this life no such deed is left which has not been rewarded. If a believer does any atom‟s weight of evil, he receives its punishment (mainly) in this world, being punished in health, wealth and offspring -to such an extent that when he passes from this world no such evil deed is left for which he has not been punished.” (Durr Manthoor)

It is for this reason that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
“This Ummat of mine is favoured with mercy. There shall not be (much) punishment on them in the Hereafter. Their punishment in this world shall be in the form of turbulances, earthquakes, killings and calamities.”

In another Hadeeth it is said: “From this favoured Ummat of mine the permanent punishment of the Hereafter has been lifted. On them will be the torment they cause one another.” In another Hadeeth it is said: “The punishment of my Ummat is in this worldly life.” And “Allah has ordained the punishment of my Ummat in this world.” (Mujma-ul-Zawaid)

Al-Etidaal Fe Maraatibur-Rijaal” by Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalwi R.A, Page 107-109 - Published by Darul Uloom Zakariyya.) To be continued Insha-Allah.


"Sahaabah found fault in their A'maal and Conviction in the promises of Allah Ta'ala,today we find fault in the Promises of Allah Ta'ala and Conviction in the quality of our A'maal. If Allah Ta'ala promises us increase in Rizq through performance of Salaah, but we don't see any increase in our wealth,we are quick to criticise the promise of Allah Ta'ala and justify that there were nothing wrong with our A'maal. Yet Sahaabah lived in poverty, always asking themselves if their A'maal were in accordance to the requisites of Acceptance.

Maulana Alaauddeen Saheb Hafithahullaah (­Ustaath @ Darul Uloom Zakariyya):
(Tirmithi Shareef-pg 176 Vol 2)

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