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"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article - Issue. 05

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"AL-Eti'daal" Weekly Article-Issue 05
21 Shawwaal 1433/08 September 2012

After giving these examples I now quote a few Hadeeth by way of example from which you may deduce that all our present day problems, misfortunes and sorrows are the result of our own doing. They are not the consequences of the deeds of others.

If the Muslims truly believe that Sayyidina Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was truthful, they should fully understand and accept that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) indeed spoke the truth when he indicated that as a result of certain deeds on our part certain forms of punishment and sorrows will afflict us.

They should accept that those forms of punishment will surely come. Do we wish to be saved from those evils? Then we should avoid those evil deeds. What nonsense is this that of our own free will we jump into a blazing fire and then shout and cry: “We are burning. The flames are consuming us!” How will that help us?

Study the following Hadeeth carefully and ponder: Sayyidina Ali (Radiallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:“When my Ummat begins to do these fifteen things, calamities will descend on them;

“When booty becomes private personal property; When goods entrusted to the care of a person becomes booty; When Zakaat is being looked upon as a tax (given very reluctantly); When wives are obeyed and mothers disobeyed; When friends and companions are treated amicably; While fathers are treated with scorn and harshness; When noise is heard in the Mosques; When uncouth villians become the leaders of men; When an unfit man is being honoured for fear of the evil that can proceed from him; When wine is being drunk openly (and boldly); When silk is being worn by men; When it shall become a habit to acquire singing girls; When the use of musical instruments will be common occurance; When the latter of this Ummat shall curse and criticise their predecessors (the Sahabah, Taabeen and the righteous Aiemma-e-Mujtahideen), then await red dust storms, earthquakes, caving in of the earth, transfiguration and the raining of stones from the heavens”.

In another Hadeeth Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (Radiallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

“When wealth of the Baytul Maal shall be considered as private property:When wealth left in trust becomes booty; When Zakaah begins to be regarded as a tax; When knowledge is acquired not for the purpose of deen; When a man shall obey his wife and disobey his mother; When one shall draw near to friends and disassociate himself from his father; When voices shall be raised in the Masjids; When the evil-doer among a tribe shall hold responsible positions of power over them; When low villains shall be the leaders of men; When an unfit man shall be honoured for fear of the evil he may cause; When musical instruments shall be openly used; When wine shall be drunk and when the latter ones of this Ummat shall curse and criticise the predecessors, then await red dust storms, earthquakes, caving in of the earth, transfiguration and the raining of stones from the heavens.”

In the third Hadeeth the contents are basically the same as the above except that there, mention is made of “young boys sitting on mimbars to deliver lectures.”


Is there any of the facts mentioned by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) which are not present in our day and age? And how widespread? Take each of the things mentioned, cast a look at the present day world and and you will surely come to the conclusion that the while world is involved therein.

(“Al-Eti‟daal Fe Maraatibur-Rijaal” by Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalwi R.A, Page 71-73 - Published by Darul Uloom Zakariyya.) To be continued Insha-Allah.


Our honourable Ustaadh and Sheikhul Hadith Hazrat Mufti Radhaul Haq Sahib Damat barakatuhu fell ill earlier this week.

He was diagnosed for having a stone in his left kidney. Hazrat underwent an operation on Wednesday and has since been discharged.

A special request is made to one and all for dua for Hazrats speedy recovery.

Hazrat is doing well thus far Alhamdulillah.

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