Is it necessary to discharge the Zakaat for gold and silver separately, or should they be added together and then discharged?


باسمه تعالى

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Question 1: Is it necessary to discharge the Zakaat for gold and silver separately, or should they be added together and then discharged?

Answer: If gold and silver reaches the Nisaab (i.e. the required amount before it becomes compulsory to discharge Zakaat), then the zakaat for each one should be discharged individually. (The Nisaab for gold is 87.479 grams and for silver is 612.35 grams.) However, if the two are added together, with the intention of benefiting the underprivileged even more, then it would be permissible to do so. In a similar manner, if both are less than the Nisaab, then they should be added together. If their collective value equals the Nisaab of gold or silver then it would be compulsory to discharge Zakaat. On the other hand, if their collective value does not equal the Nisaab of zakaat, then Zakaat will not be wajib.

Question 2: The monetary value of jewellery differs from item to item. Should one take out Zakaat for all ones jewellery collectively or should each one be discharged separately?

Answer: As far as jewellery is concerned, it will only be necessary to pay Zakaat for those items that are made of gold and silver. The laws pertaining to jewellery are the same as those for gold and silver.

Fatāwā Dārul Ulūm Zakariyyā, Vol. 3, Pg. 90-91